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Green fingered staff create tree nursery in partnership with More Trees BANES

We are delighted to be the first business in Bath to host a tree nursery on its premises. Together with More Trees BANES we have transformed the courtyard garden space at the back of our Wood Street Branch to grow crab apple and oak tree saplings from seeds collected locally by volunteers at More Trees. Once mature enough the sapling will be planted in local public spaces for the benefit of the local community.

The new nursery is the first to trial Air Pruners pots for More Trees to see how well they perform. This new system helps the trees to develop good quality root balls and prevents them becoming pot bound…all great news for when they are planted in the ground.

Kevin Gray, Chief Executive of Bath Building Society, said:

“We intend to plant 1,200 trees in the City to mark the Society’s 120th anniversary next year. The project with More Trees means they have additional space to grow even more saplings to plant in our great City.

Volunteers from the Society worked with MoreTrees to plant 300 trees in the Fox Hill area of Bath earlier in the year. The full benefits of this project will take decades to come to fruition, but its our sincere hope that this little contribution will steadily grow to help the environment and to improve the future amenity of Bath for its citizens.”

More Trees BANES is a not-for-profit community organisation that works hard to grow, plant and care for trees in our local area. Set up in 2008, they’ve planted approximately 11,000 trees so far. Since 2020, they’ve been focussing on growing their own trees with local provenance. 

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