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Joanne Evans

Chair of the Board

Joanne was appointed to the Board in January 2021 and was elected as Chair in January 2023. Her career started as a management trainee at a Building Society which led to running three branches as District Manager. Joanne has held senior roles in financial services organisations; leading sales and new business teams plus mortgage and annuity underwriting. Latterly Joanne’s career has focused on risk management in financial services. This has included senior positions in Barclays UK and Tesco Bank and in the UK life and pension sector. Joanne  also has experience of working at the UK financial services regulator, where she led a supervision team overseeing both prudential and conduct risk of a number of Banks, Building Societies and Life offices. Joanne is also a Non Executive Director at Mobius Life and Mobius Administration Services, the former a UK life assurance company specialising in the administration of pension assets for trustees and pension advisers.


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